Continuing Education/ FAQ


Understanding Hoarding Behavior in Older Adults

A program targeted for home health providers, senior housing staff, social workers, and family members.

  • Understand the basics of hoarding
  • Learn ways to help people reduce clutter
  • Develop sensitivity towards hoarding problems
  • Recognize legal and housing implications of hoarding
  • Explore cognitive tools to “let go” of belongings


Thank you for visiting our page! We hope you find what you are looking for, but if not our contact information can be found at the bottom of this page.

Who are we?

The Task Force is a collaborative effort of volunteers from public and private agencies throughout Washtenaw County, that work under a harm reduction model, to raise public awareness, reduce community impact, provide early intervention and develop best practices for people struggling with hoarding disorder in Washtenaw County Michigan.

What does the task force do?

The Task Force conducts initial assessments, utilizing objective safety standards, of identified situations. Once the assessment is complete, we work with the client to determine the level of assistance needed. We provide a list of identified resources in the community that the client can utilize to meet those needs. Under very limited conditions, we have volunteers who assist the client with ongoing remediation and maintenance of their space.

Can you help me if I live outside of Washtenaw County?

Unfortunately, we are unable to assist with hoarding situations outside of Washtenaw County.

My relative’s house is terribly hoarded. Can you help even if she/he does not want help?

Unfortunately, we can only help if the person living in the housing is willing to accept our assistance. We are more than happy to speak to them about what we might have to offer, if they contact us.

The nursing home/rehab says my family member can’t return home until the house is “cleared out” – can you do that?

We work with the individual in their living space, so we do not go in and remove items or organize things without the person being present.

How much do you charge for services?

We have a suggested donation amount on our “Services” page, however, our services are not contingent on the ability to pay. Some of the more common costs associated with bringing a property into code compliance, like trash removal, hauling and dumpsters, are separate from our services and are not included in the suggested amounts.

Will you help with bed bugs?

We do not help with bed bug remediation or the preparation for bed bug remediation.

Do you provide cleaning services?

We are not a cleaning service. We are dedicated to helping persons with the reduction of items in their environment to create housing stability.

How can I request an assessment?

You can e-mail us at

How is the Task Force funded?

The task force receives no dedicated funding. We rely on donations and stipends paid to us for providing Community and Professional Trainings.

How can I help?

HTF Washtenaw is always looking for volunteers. If you would like to volunteer please visit our “How to Help” page. Volunteer trainings are held every other month.

Not finding the answer you need?
Please send us an email at! Please note that when contacting us it may take up to a week for us to get back to you, but we take every request very seriously.